
Commonly used classes and functions in BARK.


BARK provides an easy-to-use geometry library that supports points, lines, and polygons for performant geometric calculations. By wrapping the boost::geometry state-of-the-art algorithms as well as high usability is provided. It implements all geometric functions, such as collision checks and distance calculations.


All objects in BARK share a common base class, the BaseType. It provides functionalities and members that are shared and used in all classes. For example, it contains the global ParameterServer instance that holds all parameters.

class BaseType {
  explicit BaseType(ParamPtr params) : params_(params) {}
  ~BaseType() {}

  ParamPtr GetParams() const { return params_;}
  ParamPtr params_;


The ParameterServer is shared with all objects in BARK. Its abstract implementation is reimplemented in Python. Child nodes can be added by using the AddChild-function.

class Params {
  Params() {}

  virtual ~Params() {}

  // get and set parameters as in python
  virtual bool GetBool(const std::string &param_name,
                        const std::string &description,
                        const bool &default_value) = 0;

  virtual float GetReal(const std::string &param_name,
                         const std::string &description,
                         const float &default_value) = 0;

  virtual int GetInt(const std::string &param_name,
                      const std::string &description,
                      const int &default_value) = 0;

  // not used atm
  virtual void SetBool(const std::string &param_name, const bool &value) = 0;
  virtual void SetReal(const std::string &param_name, const float &value) = 0;
  virtual void SetInt(const std::string &param_name, const int &value) = 0;

  virtual int operator[](const std::string &param_name) = 0;

  virtual ParamPtr AddChild(const std::string &name) = 0;