
The MapInterface class implements all map-related features for BARK. It stores the raw OpenDrive map, has a RoadGraph for routing, and provides convenient and easy-to-use classes for the agents ‐ the RoadCorridor and the LaneCorridor.

The MapInterface class is implemented as follows:

class MapInterface {
  OpenDriveMapPtr open_drive_map_;
  RoadgraphPtr roadgraph_;
  rtree_lane rtree_lane_;
  std::pair<Point2d, Point2d> bounding_box_;
  std::map<std::size_t, RoadCorridorPtr> road_corridors_;

Additionally, the MapInterface also has an lane r-tree for more performant lane searching.

The OpenDriveMap class implements the specifications provided by the OpenDRIVE 1.4 Format. This allows an easy parsing and integration of maps available in the OpenDrive format. However, for better usability we encapsulate this specification using a RoadGraph, RoadCorridors, and LaneCorridors.

The basic structure of the OpenDriveMap map class:

class OpenDriveMap {
  OpenDriveMap() : roads_(), lanes_(), junctions_() {}
  ~OpenDriveMap() {}
  XodrRoads roads_;
  XodrLanes lanes_;
  Junctions junctions_;


The RoadGraph contains all roads and lanes and their physical location in a graph structure. This enables easy routing functionality for an agent in BARK. The physical locations of the start and goal are sufficient in order to obtain a sequence of lanes or roads for the agent.

However, in order to store this information more efficiently and to increase usability, we additionally use RoadCorridors and LaneCorridors.


A RoadCorridor is composed out of a sequential sequence of roads that an agent in BARK can follow. It contains all the OpenDrive information as well as further information in the form of the LaneCorridor. The RoadCorridor provides an easy-to-use interface by providing functions that tell an agent the current lane and what it left or right lanes are.

The basic structure of the RoadCorridor map class:

struct RoadCorridor {
  Roads roads_;
  Polygon road_polygon_;
  std::vector<LaneCorridorPtr> unique_lane_corridors_;
  std::vector<XodrRoadId> road_ids_;
  std::map<LaneId, LaneCorridorPtr> lane_corridors_;


A LaneCorridor is continuously, sequentially concatenated lanes. It provides many utility functions, such as the distance to the end of the LaneCorridor, the merged lane polygon, the boundaries, and more.

struct LaneCorridor {
  std::map<float, LanePtr> lanes_;  // s_end, LanePtr
  Line center_line_;
  Polygon merged_polygon_;
  Line left_boundary_;
  Line right_boundary_;